Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Allergy or Cold?

Today we went to the Dr.s to see what could be wrong with Kenzie. Our nieghbor recently cut his hay so we were thinking she had hay fever (runny nose, sneezing, and her eyes keep watering), or could it be a cold cuz a little boy was sick at daycare. Well the Dr. said "maybe it is allergys but she is too young to have allergys plus even if it was we can't give her anything and same with the cold. So just keep sucking her nose with the bulb (not so fun) and if she gets a fever bring her back in." Also Kenzie is starting to get bumps on her gums and we all know what that means, TEETH! So we have had a fun week so far. Poor Kenzie, I feel bad for her.


  1. I hope she gets better fast! It is no fun having a baby who doesn't feel good!

  2. Hey Jenna, So glad to see your blog. They are a lot of fun and at least keeps you up to date on everyone. Pictures are a must, so get with it. If I can do it, anyone can!

  3. wow, teeth already. Fun for you! The bulb really is not cool. I had to carry one in my diaper bag cuz jett needed to use it so much!
